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Attracting Gifts from DAFs

Thursday, March 28, 2024
12:30 pm2:00 pm
1776 W Warren Ave
Detroit, AL 48208

Presenter: Gary Pforzheimer, PG Calc

In 2022, more than 11% of all giving in the U.S. — about $52 billion — went to donor advised funds. The purpose of DAFs, of course, is to distribute their funds over time to operating charities like yours. How do you help your charity attract a slice of the huge and rapidly expanding DAF pie? Join us for a discussion of the DAF landscape and strategies you can use to bring more DAF grants to your organization.

Networking & Light Refreshments: 12:30 PM
Program: 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Location: Boys Scouts of America

Fee Sponsor: Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan
Location Sponsor: Boys Scouts of America

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